“This has been a very grounding module for me, I am feeling more connected within myself. The group has been lovely, respectful, intelligent, receptive, and giving, a great balance. I am constantly gaining in confidence in the material. Just looking forward to more and more. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to learn and explore and know and feel.”
Students feedback – 2018
“As often it came at a perfect time and I became quickly nourished and stimulated (overstimulated on 2 occasions too and that was very well held) I was initially not interested in working with this material so have enjoyed being nicely surprised.”
Students feedback – 2018
“I look forward to the next module! Thank you Katy and Stephanie for taking me to these reflexes – places that I can now be more aware of Thank you all for your responsiveness and feedback during the course!”
Students feedback – 2018
“So much fun! Very playful and a sense of re-experiencing the world from a younger place. Complex material that seemed daunting at first but seemed to then fall into place throughout each day. Teachers were wonderful as always!”
Students feedback – 2018
“Enlivening, awakening, engaging, disorienting, painful, inspiring. Identifying an ancient injury as a held flexion was very clear for me and gives me an understanding of how to work with it using my whole body, in the future so having support in moments of physical difficulty was helpful.”
Students feedback – 2018
“Incredibly enlightening. I feel even more connected with my natural environment. Relating nature and the natural forms within my being. My insides feel ‘touched’, ‘felt’ , ‘deepened’ ,. I felt much warmth and care from the group. Joy and support! I felt safe and free to explore and allow my personal expressions to illuminate. I certainly feel empowered by my explorations and gained knowledge of the organs. I feel strong and very positive. There were many tender moments, memories, images that I encountered but feel strengthened by them.”
Organs course 2014
“In-depth work, helping to understand and embody the development of an embryo through to one year old baby. The importance of this work became clear to me, it helps to understand problematic phases. This is essential in clinical work. I was aware of the processes and emotions glowing through me, gave me insight into the complexity of human development. Essential for work with children with special needs in particular, but for any age group. In-depth, grounded, empathic work. (MA student in Dance Movement Psychotherapy MA Edgehill).”
Ontogenetic 2014
“Great, I had hope that the course would give me something like what is in the course but the content and the overall experience was even more than I had dreamt of. A spiritual embodied journey through development of my and others as well as animal’s development. I feel more rich now, Thank you! I have found how to feel more strength in the body and understand it much better, I have a relation to my spine and organs now.”
BNP 2014
“I loved it! It helped me “place” the input from the other modules I have completed (RRR ligaments, muscles) in a way. The observation of the patterns in the child was magical to bring the theory alive and really made the learning experience. I think that it would have been very different without seeing her and a far less “whole” learning experience.”
BNP 2014
“I really enjoyed the course. I was able to revisit aspects of BMC which I came across more than 10 years ago. Significant impact on my somatic experience, was able to make links with different senses and ‘felt-sense’ on the body. Exciting to be able to experience this. Was able to relate the experiential learning to my dance work in the hospital. Was able reflect on observations that I have made over the years in this work and link it with the BMC process made me aware of my strengths. I found the work really interesting and am very excited about the prospects of using this approach in my work. Fantastic. (Dance Movement Psychotherapist student).”
Senses and Perceptions 1. 2013
“Loved it! A great experience to absorb myself in the senses. It was well structured and held with such commitment and consciousness I was able to surrender to the flow of it. At the end of the course my balance had greatly improved and there was much more space internally. The sense of receiving physical support I realised my body had been yearning for. I noticed I had a high level in trust when trust was already built.”
Senses and Perceptions 1. 2013
“Very intense, deep inside. A journey inside me, inside body-feelings-emotions, inside my history and memories. This work is priceless when we want to discover oneself in a really precise way, it opened my eyes to myself.”
Organ system 2014
“Finding a calm, stable place in myself, that’s full of life force. I found a source of vitality that is outside my nervous system: the bone marrow.”
Skeletal system
“My first course and it’s been great. I’m very aware that there’s many layers in the material and I’m just beginning to know it, at a basic level. I’m really excited about the subtle sensations that can be felt in different parts of the bones. I still need practise to ‘zone in’ to energy flows etc.”
Skeletal system
“A complete revelation. Have not previously, consciously identified/explored fluids except CSF. So I’ve learn a lot about myself and others through the training and the group. I look forward to experiencing fluids outside the course and in creative work. Great group – integrative, challenging, generous. All the teachers I felt complimented each other. I felt the combo really worked for me. The specificity of the technical information, the feedback about hands-on by doing hands-on to a teacher, the guided movement sessions and the different approaches/structure, the work in pairs using touch, movement and drawing, space holding.”
FLUID system 2017
“Thanks for welcoming us today. It was lovely to hear about the BMC approach and I have learned so much from the session.”
IDME mums and babies
“I got so much from the session, I feel more confident and at ease with myself as a first time mum! I see what more I can do with my baby, you have inspired me.”
IDME mums and babies
“Thanks for your warm caring ways, we are very grateful that we came. I left feeling really good and super interested to watch the dvd and look more into it. You have a beautiful, calming, motherly, energy and the whole atmosphere there was very pleasant. Everyone was very lovely indeed.”
IDME mums and babies