Our courses are very popular and early booking is advised to secure your place. However if the course is full (the Add to Cart button will be unclickable) we do occasionally have cancellations, so please email us and ask to be added to the waiting list.

Immune System – 2025



Cost: £295

Dates:  22nd – 24th January 2025

Venue: Skylight, 49 Corsica St, London N5 1JT

Contact us for a list of rooms and places and web links airbnb.


  • A Deposit of £50 is payable on booking.
  • A place on any course is not guaranteed until the deposit of £50 is paid. The balance of the course fee is due one month before the course start date to guarantee a place.
  • Courses are reduced by 5% if booked at least 2 months in advance.


Our immune system is important for maintaining balance and homeostasis, it is our inner regulatory system and defense system. In this course, we explore how our body adapts to and sustains a dialogue with both the inner and outer environments. We explore how this system influences other bodily functions such as our ability to process information and respond to stress.

The immune system plays an essential role in maintaining health and well-being. The mind has a powerful effect on the immune system and psychophysical states can directly affect the functioning of this system. This course will cover the process of immunity and the structures and functions of the immune system.

This course includes:

  • Basic components and functions of the immune system.
  • Homeostasis and returning to balance.
  • Adapting to an ever changing environment.
  • How we can consciously support our immune system in a world of stress.
  • How the immune system interacts with the other body systems.

Minimum course length: 3 days, 21 contact hours. Prerequisites: Completion of SME program

All course applicants should answer the Application Questions as set out here and submit via email or post to us.