Our courses are very popular and early booking is advised to secure your place. However if the course is full (the Add to Cart button will be unclickable) we do occasionally have cancellations, so please email us and ask to be added to the waiting list.

Muscular System – 2025 Poland




Cost: £890

Dates:  August 8-17 2025 (Day off 13th)

Venue: Gdansk Poland

Contact us for a list, check airbnb, youth hostels.


  • A Deposit of £50 is payable on booking.
  • A place on any course is not guaranteed until the deposit of £50 is paid. The balance of the course fee is due one month before the course start date to guarantee a place.
  • Courses are reduced by 5% if booked at least 2 months in advance.


The Muscular System: This is the final course in the two year sequence and will be followed by Competency and Professional Issues, for those nearing completion of all courses required for graduation. For more information see below or by contacting us.

The muscles establish a tensile three-dimensional grid for the balanced support and movement of the skeletal structure by providing the elastic forces that move the bones through space. They provide the dynamic contents of the outer envelope of flesh encompassing the skeletal structure. Through this system we embody our vitality, express our power, and engage in the dialogue of resistance and resolution.

This course will include:

  • Innovative muscle principles (proximal and distal initiation, muscle coupling and currenting, A and B muscles, four stages of a muscle action, eight functions of a muscle).
  • Embodying muscles and initiating movement at the molecular level (actin and myosin).
  • The embodied functions of proprioceptors (muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs).
  • Analyzing the actions of individual muscles and of groups of muscles from the perspective of one=s position in relation to gravity.
  • Interrelationships between muscles in different parts of the body and as they pass through different fascial planes.
  • Techniques of muscle re-education and training.
All course applicants should answer the Application Questions as set out here and submit via email or post to us.